Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We had a slight "GLITCH" in the schedule today....

Dear Juniors,

What did we do in class, Crampton?

1. Everyone received a copy of Article #3, which is due on THURSDAY. Please annotate using red and then ONE OTHER COLOR of your choice  (Annotate/notate 8-10/page). I realize that the final page of the article is only two paragraphs in length, but you can easily include 2-3 annotations/notations for the final page.  IF YOU MISSED CLASS, I have placed several copies of the article outside the room on the bulletin board.

2. Each student received a copy of the "Crucible Study Guide" and a copy of the "Crucible Theme Sheet." We will use these in class as we progress through the play.

3. We completed vocabulary for ACT 1. Please obtain the definitions from someone else in class. We will begin reading the play on THURSDAY.

p.s. Our "glitch" involved having to attend an orientation concerning "Internet Scams." All junior English classes were required to attend this meeting. It is valuable for you; however, it took an hour to complete.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday!