Tuesday, August 31, 2010

If you missed Tuesday, August 31st....Shame on you!

Dear Juniors,

Let me "enlighten" you on what we worked on today in class:

1. We "outlined" the five paragraph essay format using the COLOR CODING format.
2. Students recorded the following information on the Five Paragraph essay structure:

Eye Catcher
Transition Sentence
THESIS statement with three defining points

Body Thesis/Topic Sentence
Concrete Detail
Concrete Detail
Concrete Detail
Concrete Detail
Concluding Sentence

BODY #2 and BODY #3 contain the same organization format


3. We then "TRIANGLED" (an organization method) our ideas regarding why teenagers rarely eat a healthy breakfast.
4. As a group we wrote the color body paragraph for  "Why teenagers rarely eat a healthy breakfast. This was the outcome:

                Due to hectic schedules, many teenagers fail to eat a healthy breakfast. One reason for this pertain to the fact that the young people wake-up late. Late nights spent on homework can cause exhaustion, and therefore a lack of desire to eat. In addition, teens must work to pay for expenses and to assist their families. This, of course, adds to the fact that they are tired, and therefore not interested in eating a healthy meal. A second reason involves indolency on the teen's part. Lack of motivation to complete responsibilities takes place because students don't see a purpose with their "jobs." Therefore, laziness kicks in and teenagers fail to eat. The above points illustrate why teenagers struggle with eating a healthy breakfast.

1. Complete a colored body paragraph choosing from the list below. Your paragraph needs to include the "triangle" and appear in color.

  • Divorce
  • Uniforms in secondary schools
  • Marrying young
  • Taking the ACT
  • Liposuction
  • Freedom
  • Racism
  • Year-Round school
  • Cell Phone Policy
  • ARC
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.