If you missed class we completed the following:
1. Everyone submitted their article of the week #7 regarding the inventions. We reviewed and discussed the additional invention that you selected.
2. Article of the Week #8 was given to each student. This article relates to a gentleman who received a face transplant back in March of 2011. You are to annotate and notate 5-7 on the first page and 7-10 for the second page, using all of your colors. In addition, you are to choose ONE of the three questions that I ask you at the end of the article and then respond to it.
3. We then continued with the writing of introductory and concluding paragraphs. I wrote four examples for each class. Remember that that there are FOUR different ways you can write an "eye catcher," this is why we wrote four examples together. Please visit with me so that I can give you the examples you will need.
1. AW #8 is due on Tuesday, October 11th.
2. Please write introductory paragraphs for the TWO examples that I did not write for you in class. These are due on FRIDAY!