Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Dear Juniors,

We completed the following today in class:

1. We reviewed and discussed "The Wife's Story" and "The Waxwork."
2. Everyone submitted their AW #9 regarding the "I love Boobies" bracelets. Excellent discussion and expression concerning this controversial topic.
3. You were then introduced to the "Five Paragraph Group" essay that you will write together. Each group contains three students. Each student within the group selected one of the following portions to write for the essay:

1. Introduction and Body Paragraph #1
2. Body Paragraph #2 and Editor
3. Body Paragraph #3 and Concluding Paragraph

The essay will pertain to Situational Irony found within the following three short stories:
"The Chaser," "The Wife' Story," and "The Waxworks."

Each student was asked to complete a triangle for the section they selected to write. THIS IS YOUR HOMEWORK for WED.

TANNER- You are assigned the introduction and body paragraph #1. "The Wife's Story" is the short story for body paragraph #1. Reid indicated that he could assist you.

1. JOURNAL ENTRIES are due on TUESDAY, October 25th
2. A completed triangle is due on Wednesday, October 19th for the group essay.