We practiced identifying examples of figurative language today in class!
We completed the following today in class..... REMEMBER THAT a 1/3 of your BOOK MUST BE COMPLETED BY Feb. 28th!
1. We then reviewed the information discussed last time.....SIMILE, METAPHOR, PERSONIFICATION, ALLUSION, and HYPERBOLE by locating examples within magazines. Those in attendance were able to use the example found in magazines on their assignment.
4. We then continued with the introductory information regarding poetry. If you missed class, please refer to my previous post in order to obtain the handout we are using in class. We discussed IDIOMS today in class. Ms. Brown illustrated idioms to each student and had everyone practice using them in a journal entry.
Identification of Figurative Language Elements
Simile, Metaphor/Implied Metaphor, Allusion, Hyperbole and Personification
DUE DATE: FRIDAY, February 24rd
Instructions: Now that we have reviewed the above figurative language examples, your assignment involves locating four examples out of the five indicated above..
1. Please locate an example of a simile, metaphor or implied metaphor, allusion, hyperbole and personification (four of the five)
2. Your examples may come from any source (advertisement, song, script, novel, play, etc.), but you cannot duplicate a source for an example. So, you cannot locate personification in a song and a simile in a song, as you would be duplicating the source.
3.Your examples should not come from the INTERNET…NO! NO! NO! You need to locate them in “actual” sources, and then make a copy of the actual example. I realize that you can’t make a copy of a film, so please include the title, director, and line from the film which satisfies the example you are illustrating.
4. Include a justification along with your example indicating why the figurative language use is appropriate. Please see the examples below from previous students.
5. Identify your example with underlined and bold text.
Examples from previous students:
1. HYPERBOLE (song):
“A Little Respsect” by Erasure
I try to discover
A little something to make me sweeter
Oh, baby refrain from breaking my heart
I’m so in love with you
I’ll be forever blue
That you gave me no reason
You know you make me work so hard.
The above song has a hyperbole in it. The line “I’ll be forever blue,” represents a hyperbole because the speaker can not literally turn blue, but he feels so depressed due to the separation that he will remain unhappy unless she tells him why the break-up took place. A hyperbole is an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. The speaker is emphasizing how much sorrow he feels in not knowing why the relationship ended.
2. PERSONIFICATION (advertisement):
(Newsweek Magazine with a bull dressed in wedding attire)
This image indicates a strong example of personification. Personification is a poetic technique where human characteristics are given to non-human or inanimate objects. The bull appears in a wedding dress to indicate how closely some individuals are committed to their stock investments. Basically, Newsweek Magazine is indicating that some investors value their stock choices more than their actual spouses.
Let me know if you need assistance!