Friday, February 25, 2011

We practiced identifying examples of figurative language today in class!

Dear Juniors,


We completed the following today in class.....
1. I returned each student's journal to them.
2. We completed the example reading log for The Crucible together in class. Use the example as a model for your own reading selection. REMEMBER THAT YOUR BOOK MUST BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 11th!
3. We then reviewed the information discussed last time.....SIMILE, METAPHOR, PERSONIFICATION, ALLUSION, and HYPERBOLE by watching some video clips to illustrate each figurative language example. 
4. We then continued with the introductory information regarding poetry. If you missed class, please refer to my previous post in order to obtain the handout we are using in class. We discussed IDIOMS and IMAGERY in class today.
5. I also explained your homework assignment for THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd. I have included the explanation below.


Identification of Figurative Language Elements
Simile, Metaphor/Implied Metaphor, Allusion, Hyperbole and Personification


Instructions: Now that we have reviewed the above figurative language examples, your assignment involves locating four examples out of the five indicated above..
1. Please locate an example of a simile, metaphor or implied metaphor, allusion, hyperbole and personification (four of the five)
2. Your examples may come from any source (advertisement, song, script, novel, play, etc.), but you cannot duplicate a source for an example. So, you cannot locate personification in a song and a simile in a song, as you would be duplicating the source.
3.Your examples should not come from the INTERNET…NO! NO! NO! You need to locate them in “actual” sources, and then make a copy of the actual example. I realize that you can’t make a copy of a film, so please include the title, director, and line from the film which satisfies the example you are illustrating.
4. Include a justification along with your example indicating why the figurative language use is appropriate. Please see the examples below from previous students.
5. Identify your example with underlined and bold text.

Examples from previous students:

1. HYPERBOLE (song):
“A Little Respsect” by Erasure

I try to discover
A little something to make me sweeter
Oh, baby refrain from breaking my heart
I’m so in love with you
I’ll be forever blue
That you gave me no reason
You know you make me work so hard.

The above song has a hyperbole in it. The line “I’ll be forever blue,” represents a hyperbole because the speaker can not literally turn blue, but he feels so depressed due to the separation that he will remain unhappy unless she tells him why the break-up took place. A hyperbole is an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. The speaker is emphasizing how much sorrow he feels in not knowing why the relationship ended.

2. PERSONIFICATION (advertisement):
(Newsweek Magazine with a bull dressed in wedding attire)

This image indicates a strong example of personification. Personification is a poetic technique where human characteristics are given to non-human or inanimate objects. The bull appears in a wedding dress to indicate how closely some individuals are committed to their stock investments. Basically, Newsweek Magazine is indicating that some investors value their stock choices more than their actual spouses.
Let me know if you need assistance!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crucible Essay Submitted, Journals Submitted, and Introduction to Poetry

Dear Juniors,

If you missed class, we completed the following.....

1. Each student submitted their Crucible Essay and their Journal Entries (13 total).
2. We then completed the "Reading Log" example for The Crucible. Remember that your independent reading book needs to be completed on or before March 11th.
3. We then  completed Journal #1 for Poetry entitled: "How I feel about Poetry?"
I asked each student to tell me how they feel about poetry? Why or why not do you enjoy it? Please include specifics to support your response. 

RELAX! I think the reason most students fear poetry is that they don't have the tools to appreciate poetic texts. My goal isn't to make you like poetry, my goal is to help you interpret it based upon some tools that I will give you. I have no doubt that you will appreciate this literary genre more once we are finished.

4. We then began with a pre-quiz regarding about figurative language elements. This quiz did not count, but it gave me insight  into what you know.

5. We then started our review of Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Allusion and Hyperbole using the following handout. Please print this off and place it in the handout section of your notebook.

“Words are, of course, the greatest drug used by mankind!”

For as long as strong writers have been putting their quill pens, lead pencils, or word processors to paper, they have attempted to express themselves in the most colorful, imaginative, and descriptive ways possible. They have attempted to create lively, rich word pictures so that their readers could see the images and understand the feelings focused on by writers. Writers have tried to give their audience members the taste, smell, feel, sound and look of the scenes they were describing. They have tried to give vivid expression to their feelings and thoughts about people, places, and events so that their readers could share these impressions.  Writers often use figurative language to add sharp, clear and strong impressions to their work. Through figures of speech, the audience gains a more heightened and vivid realization about the writers’ subject.

Implied Metaphor:

You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.                                                         You’re a foul one Mr Grinch
You really are a heel.                                                                           You’re a nasty wasty skunk
You’re as cuddly as a cactus,                                                            Your heart is full of unwashed socks
You’re has charming as an eel                                                           Your soul is full of gunk, Mr Grinch
Mr. Grinch                                                                                             The three words that describe you are
You’re a bad banana with a greasy black peel.                               As follows and I quote
                                                                                                                Stink, Stank, Stunk
You’re a monster, Mr. Grinch
Your hearts an empty hole
Your brain is full of spiders
You’ve got garlic in your soul
Mr. Grinch
I wouldn’t touch you with a 39 and a half foot pole.

You’re a vile one, Mr. Grinch
You have termites in your smile
You have al the tendeder sweetness of a seasick
Crocodile, Mr. Grinch
Given the choice between the two of you,
I’d take the seasick crocodile


  • The water beckoned invitingly to the hot swimmers.”


  • “John failed to act as his brother’s keeper.”


  • If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times.”


         He is the apple of my eye, bright eyed and bushy tailed , cool as a cumber, down to earth, and an eager beaver. Oh, and sometimes full of beans. He has a heart of gold, and he is a jack of all trades. He keeps a stiff upper lip, always lends an ear and minds his p’s and q’s. He is nothing to sneeze at, on the ball, and quick on the uptake. He runs rings around others (literally), he is a sight for sore eyes and he tickles my funny bone.

Connotation vs. Denotation
Childlike vs. Childish:

         And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.


Elements of Sound

  • “The darksome burn, horseback brown, His rollrock highroad roaring down.”
  • “Sing a song of six Pence”

         Pink Floyd’s “Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dark fox gone to ground.”

         “Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.”




Friday, February 18, 2011


Dear Juniors,
If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. We went to the writing lab, where I wrote the introductory paragraph using "HYSTERIA" as the focus. For those of you not in attendance, you will need to modify the paragraph to fit your particular theme.

Example Paragraph:
         The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, contains strong and relevant themes. One theme pertains to the hysteria that breaks apart the civility within Salem Village. Hysteria represents exaggerated or uncontrollable behavior, which caused fractions among the Salem residents. Superstition dominated the Puritan culture to the point that individuals could not distinguish between truth and illusion; consequently, their ignorance lead to fear, and fear lead to the deaths of twenty-five innocent people. Due to this, the hysteria created emotional outbursts and disruption with the characters of Abigail Williams, Tituba, and Mary Warren.


1. Essay is due on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd. Please remember to include a Works Cited with your essay.
2. Your Journal Entries are also due on Wednesday.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Independent Reading Books were due today!

Dear Juniors,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. Each student submitted their three annotations/notations. In addition, I noted the chosen books for each student.
2. Each student was given a "Reading Record." We worked on completing the first section of the record together in class, using The Crucible as the model. We will continue to complete the sections together, so that you understand the expectation regarding the record that you will complete for your selected book.
3. We then took ACT 4 quiz. I assisted each class, by completing two of the questions as a model for them to follow. We did not complete the quiz in class; therefore, time will be given on Wed. to complete the quiz.

2. Do not miss class on Wed.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We finished THE CRUCIBLE....

Dear Juniors,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. We completed the study guide questions for Act 4 in class, and submitted them to Crampton. She returned them to each student during class.
2. We completed Journal # 13  John Proctor, as a Hero
        When is it appropriate to lie? Justify your response. Now, discuss Rev. Hale's argument given to Elizabeth Proctor. Hale states, "Life woman, life is God's most precious gift; however glorious, nothing may justify the taking of it. I beg you, woman. It may well be that God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride." Do you agree with his statement? Justify your response again.

3. We then watched the ACT 4 of The Crucible.

4. Each student received a copy of the "theme quotes" associated with Act 4. Crampton asked that each student identify the theme concerning each quote and the individual speaking. If you missed class, please see me prior to MONDAY! This is due on MONDAY.

1. Your "Independent Reading Assignment" is due on MONDAY. Please have your book and your three annotated/notated plot summaries with you in class.
2. ACT 4 Quiz will take place on MONDAY! Please review your vocabulary, study guide questions, and the quotes sheets I gave you during class on Thursday. FOR YOUR QUIZ please plan on the following: 1. Review your vocabulary words for Act 4 2. Consider what motivates certain characters to act and behave the way they do in Act 4 3. Review your study guide questions
4. Review the quotes given to you in class for Act 4, as you will receive some of them on your quiz. 

3. COMPLETE your theme sheet for ACT 4; this is due on MONDAY!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Dixie Chicks and The Crucible? Really? Yes, they have clear and valid connections!

Dear English Kids,

If you missed class on Friday, February 4th, 2011, we completed the following:

1. I returned your "Crucible Character Analysis," and we reviewed some of your grammatical errors. The revision for your assignment is due on Tuesday, February 8th! If you did not initially complete the assignment, then you are welcome to submit it on Tuesday with your homework coupon!


2. We continued by reading Article #3 in class entitled "Not Ready to Make Nice," concerning the Dixie Chick and a statement they made in 2003 regarding Pres. Bush!

3. We then proceeded to watch the music video. If you missed class, then you can locate the video on-line by typing in "Not Ready to Make Nice" by the Dixie Chicks. Please note that you MUST HAVE READ THE ARTICLE FIRST, prior to viewing the video.

4. We completed questions #1 and #2 on a handout given to each student in class. The final question, #3, pertains to The Crucible. We will answer that question when I see you on Tuesday.

1. Please revise your CCA for Tuesday.
2. Don't forget that your "Independent Reading" book and the three annotations/notations are due on Monday, February 14th.
